Pensiri: A Talk with Cristian Hardy, co-pastor, Love Alive Church

Cristian C. Hardy, 35, is co-pastor of Love Alive Church in Baton Rouge and a second-grade teacher at Oak Grove Primary School in Prairieville. She has been married to Pastor Ronaldo E. Hardy for 11 years and they have four children – Raynah, 10; Josiah, 8; Laylah, 7; and Melah, 3. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Louisiana State University and an Early Childhood Education Certificate from Southern University. 

As a pastor, wife, and mother of four, you must wear many hats throughout the week. While we won’t ask you what your favorite ‘hat’ is, we do want to know how often you switch roles in a 24-hour period. What’s a day in the life of Christian Hardy?


The Hardy Family


CH: I am constantly switching roles throughout the day.  My first priority is my family! So, of course, I’m mom and wife throughout my whole day – I feel like I never take that hat off.  However, during the day I’m Mrs. Hardy the educator, teaching the brilliant young minds of the next generation. After my day of teaching, I’m “Pastor Cristian.” During this time, I’m calling to talk to check on ladies, taking care of church business, attending meetings, etc.

What prompted you and your husband, Ronaldo, to start Love Alive Church, and what success have you seen in this mission? 

CH: The Lord placed it on our hearts back in August of 2013 to step out and launch Love Alive Church. Ronaldo and I did not want to be pastors (lol)! We wanted to move to another state, we wanted to hide in the background, but ultimately, we knew that we had to be obedient to the call of God on our lives. We launched Jan. 11, 2015 at the Bluebonnet AMC Movie Theater with just 30 people. Throughout the past four years, we have grown in church attendance to over 600 people with four service times. Our church just made a big announcement that we are moving to a new facility with over 15,000 sq. ft. and five acres of land!

What is your pastor pedagogy? 

CH: I’m truly a teacher at heart. When ministering the word of God, I love to include definitions, questions, and real examples from my own life. When teaching the word of God, it’s always my mission to give people practical knowledge that can be applied to their everyday life that will help them to grow and live successfully.  

You met and married your husband in what some may consider a short time frame, could you tell us a little about that personal experience and how it has shaped your marriage? 

CH: Ronaldo and I met, got engaged, and married all in one calendar year! It was truly a whirlwind. When we met it didn’t take long for us to realize that we were meant for each other. One thing that really helped us to know each other quickly was that we were very transparent with each other. The openness and transparency that we shared, in the beginning, has carried us through the years. It helped Ronaldo and me to build a friendship and intimacy that has helped to sustain us during the tough times.  

cristian-hardy-ministering.pngWhat is your recipe for individuality when the world so often pushes the woman to the background of a popular and/or powerful husband? 

CH: That’s a tough one! Honestly, in the past, it was somewhat of a struggle. So often as women we get consumed by our families to the point where we lose ourselves. Within the past few years, I’ve gone through a rediscovery of “Cristian.” I asked myself questions like; Who is Cristian apart from Ronaldo? What does Cristian enjoy doing?  What are Cristian’s goals, dreams, and desires? Taking time for myself apart from my family truly helps me to focus on me. Also, my husband has been my biggest supporter. He encourages me to step out and do more, even when I don’t always feel confident.

What are three words that others would use to describe you? 

CH: Detail-oriented, kind, and tenacious 

What advice do you offer for women who are seeking to balance family and career – Can she have it all? 

CH: Yes, women can have it all, but it does come with hard work and sacrifice! I once wrote an article that talked about balance. My philosophy is that there’s no such thing as true balance, and balance looks different in different seasons of our lives. It’s difficult for everything in my life to have an equal share of my time. Therefore, my advice is to be present in the moment. Whatever mode I’m in at the time (mommy, wife, educator, pastor) – it’s my goal to be 100 percent present in that moment. 

What’s next for you? 

CH: I’m definitely looking forward to stepping out and showing the world more of Cristian Hardy, so stay on the lookout!

By Leslie D. Rose
Jozef Syndicate contributing writer


This feature, ‘Pensiri: A Talk with..,’ is a fascinating spotlight using narrative interviews and quick peeks into the interesting and unique lives of “average” human beings. From their spontaneous adventures, triumphs after tragedies, comical failures, and even the oddities of their personality, everybody has a story and every life has meaning. Enjoy the stories they share with Jozef Syndicate writers. 

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  1. […] nearly a decade as president and CEO of multiple financial institutions. In 2015, he and his wife Cristian founded Love Alive Church in Baton Rouge, which quickly became one of the fastest-growing churches […]

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